
Disclaimer for ReservationsCart.com

The information provided on ReservationsCart.com is for general informational purposes only. While we strive to maintain accurate and up-to-date content, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, about the accuracy, completeness, reliability or availability of the information, services or related graphics contained on the website.

ReservationsCart.com inclusive travel options for cruise, train, auto train and airplane. Our website does not guarantee that the website will be free from errors, interruptions or viruses, and we are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from your use of the website. We do not assume responsibility for any third-party websites linked to our platform, nor do we endorse their content, products or services. Any interaction with third-party websites is governed by their own terms and conditions, and we recommend that you read their privacy policies and terms before connecting to them.

Services and products provided through ReservationsCart.com are based on availability and may be changed or discontinued at any time without prior notice. We are not liable for any change, cancellation or delay in bookings made through our website.

ReservationsCart.com accepts no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising from your use of the website or services. By using this website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless ReservationsCart.com and its affiliates, employees and agents from any claims, losses or damages arising from your use of the site.

For any inquiries, please contact us directly at Info@ReservationsCart.com.